Mon - Fri: 8AM - 16PM
(Ponedeljak - Petak)
Inđija, Srbija

Mapping using drones

Mapping using drones

Mapping using drones (UAV – Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) is an extremely efficient surveying method in a wide range of projects whose primary goal is to collect spatial data. Mapping using drones is basically the application of a method professionally called digital photogrammetry.

The digital photogrammetry is one of the more dominant methods when it comes to collecting massive amount of data on phenomena and objects on the physical surface of the Earth using digital sensors and cameras. The application of this modern method achieves a very high efficiency, economy and a wide range of accuracy, which justifiably makes it acceptable for a variety of applications.

Data collection by photogrammetric method consists of defining the surveying object, acquisition, processing and analysis of collected images. The most common application of digital photogrammetry is in areas such as construction, architecture, urbanism, archeology, topographic mapping, energy, agriculture, forestry. The most common works that are realized within the framework of digital photogrammetry are related to the design of aerial surveying and the position of control points in the field and digital orthophoto creation.

For quality realization of works in digital photogrammetry it is necessary to engage geodetic experts who have modern equipment of high quality and accuracy and who have adequate knowledge and experience in applying this method, accordingly that survey planning and processing of collected data requires knowledge of certain algorithms and procedures so the final products would be usable and of good quality.  


Izrada digitalnih ortofoto snimaka
Projektovanje aerosnimanja i položaja kontrolnih tačaka na terenu

Projekti iz digitalne fotogrametrije

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  • Kralja Petra I, 9 Inđija 22320
  • 022 558 935

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