Mon - Fri: 8AM - 16PM
(Ponedeljak - Petak)
Inđija, Srbija

Digital topographic bases

Digital topographic bases

Digital topographic bases are an indispensable part and basis of any type of project creation. Accordingly, in order for the project to be made accurately and with quality, a necessary precondition are digital topographic bases that accurately and with sufficient density show the current situation on the ground.

Digital topographic bases are made for a specific area of ​​interest defined according to the project task and include a graphical digital representation of the terrain itself using appropriate techniques as well as a representation of the space entities. Digital topographic bases are made to meet the needs of various business spheres - construction, urban planning, mining, energy, forestry, telecommunications. Digital topographic bases are most often made as project bases, ie conceptual, main and construction projects.

In order to make digital topographic bases so that they meet their purpose and the accuracy and detail requirements, field work and processing of surveyed data by experienced geodetic experts who have modern and precise working instruments is required.


Digitalne topografske podloge za idejne, glavne i izvođačke projekte
Digitalne topografske podloge za projektovanje

Projekti iz digitalne topografije

Contact us

  • Kralja Petra I, 9 Inđija 22320
  • 022 558 935

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